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Product & Ingredients

Find out more information about frequently asked product and ingredients questions.

Are your products tested on animals?

No, we do not test on animals. Click here for information on our 'Beauty Without Bunnies' accreditation.

Is the product availability the same across all This Works websites?

We have two warehouses, one in the United Kingdom and another in the United States. Product availability differs between the two locations. Our £ GBP website and our € Euro websites are serviced from the United Kingdom, and our $ US website serviced

Are your products organic?

90% of the essential oils we currently use are from plants which are organically grown although not necessarily with organic certification. We believe this is the best way to guarantee the highest quality ingredients at any one time. Organic harvests

Are your products natural?

All of our products have natural ingredients with no unnecessary harsh chemicals. We use 100% natural fragrances and 100% pure essential oils. Our products are free from phthalates, sulphates, synthetic colour and fragrance, parabens, GMOs, mineral o

How long can I keep my product for?

Once the product has been opened please see the Product After Opening symbol on the bottle (typically 6-12 months). Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

Are your products safe to use during pregnancy?

We do not recommend using our deep sleep bath oil during pregnancy or any of our CBD boosters. There are no counter indications with any of the other products. Products have completed a product safety assessment by an independent toxicologist. This a

Can I use your products if I am going through chemotherapy?

We recommend that you first speak to your GP and seek medical advice on the use of our products during treatment.

How long will a pillow spray 75ml last?

With two to three sprays every day, it usually lasts three to four months.

What is the difference between sleep plus pillow spray and deep sleep pillow spray? Are the ingredients different between these two products?

Our signature sleep fragrance of Lavender, Camomile and Vetivert is the same in both pillow sprays. However, the way in which it is dispersed differs. Deep sleep pillow spray releases an immediate burst of fragrance to help you fall asleep faster. Th

Does the pillow spray work the first time you try it?

Yes. Following independent user trials, results show the efficacy after one night and two weeks. The effect is immediate for both pillow sprays. However, there is also a longer-term effect, whereby the pillow sprays can help restore a healthy sleep p

Can children use the pillow spray?

Keep out of reach of children. Deep sleep and sleep plus pillow sprays are suitable for ages 3+ under adult supervision. For younger family members, we recommend our sleep together calming spray, which is suitable for ages 6 month+.

Are there any usage warnings I need to be aware of for pillow spray use?

Avoid contact with eyes. For external use only. Do not spray directly onto silk or delicate fabrics. May cause an allergic skin reaction. If on skin: wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation or rash occurs: get medical advice/ attention

How do the essential oils work to encourage calm and sleep?

The aroma is inhaled when you breathe in and is transported by the olfactory nerves, which interact with the limbic system. This is the part of the brain that controls your mood and state of mind. Smell has a powerful effect on what goes on in the br

What does Retinol do?

Retinol is a naturally occurring from of Vitamin A and is found in fish liver oils, eggs and some plants e.g. Carrots. Retinol treats skin ageing by increasing the amount of collagen and increasing cell renewal. It thickens the skin barrier and reduc

What products have Retinol in?

Our My Wrinkles skin care range contains a potent concentration of the most effective age management ingredients sourced from nature, these include Granactive Retinoid (an advanced retinoid complex) , Bakuchiol (a plant-based, more gentle alternative

I have very sensitive skin, what do you recommend?

The following products have been dermatologically tested and are suitable for sensitive skin: in transit no traces and in transit skin defence SPF30.

What wax are your candles made from?

The wax in our candles is Soy and mineral wax.

Do you have microbeads in any of your products?


What is Prop 65?

This Works products meet all applicable US and EU safety standards and other cosmetic-related requirements. All products have been assessed for safety by qualified professional toxicologists, whose review included consideration of how the products ar

Are your products Vegan?

At This Works we believe our customers have the right to total transparency as regards our ingredients and manufacturing, ensuring your decision to purchase is fully informed. We are committed to ensuring our packaging and ingredients are as environm

Are you clean?

We work with ingredients consciously, mindful of the impact they have on your skin and the world. ‘Clean’ for us means 100% natural fragrances and 100% pure essential oils. It doesn’t mean phthalates, sulphates, synthetic colour and fragrance, parabe

Is your product packaging recyclable?

At This Works, we believe our customers have the right to total transparency as regards our ingredients and manufacturing, ensuring your decision to purchase is fully informed. We are committed to ensuring our packaging and ingredients are as environ

I need some product advice, where can I find assistance?

Speak to one of our expert skin consultants by calling 0208 543 3544 where you will receive a customised product recommendation tailored to your skin and lifestyle.

What is CBD?

CBD is short for Cannabidiol, one of many oils extracted from Hemp, a strain of the Cannabis plant that has very low levels of THC (the intoxicating ingredient). For more information on how we work with CBD, please visit our dedicated microsite thisw

Is CBD intoxicating?

No, CBD is non-intoxicating.

Is CBD legal in the UK?

Yes, CBD is currently legal in the UK.

Do This Works products currently include CBD?

In April 2020, we launched our first range of skincare formulated with CBD. For full details on these products - and to learn more about how we work with CBD - please visit

How will I know when This Works products include CBD?

When purchasing from us directly, our CBD products are only available via our dedicated microsite ( If you are buying This Works products through a third party retailer, we continue to operate a 100% transparency policy when it come